Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Chat can help to learn different language (especially in learning English)

What's chat?
Chat is online conversations in which you are immediately able to send messages back and forth to one another.

What's the benefit of chat for learning English?
While you chat, by either writing or speaking, you're practicing that language. Your brain is the whole time absorbing and filing it away (even if you don’t notice at first) new data, like nuances of sounds, new vocabulary, etc.
Often you'll hear people say, "I was chatting last night to someone from [this state.]" Other times you'll hear them say "I was chatting to someone from [this country.]" Chances are they weren't talking about the telephone, which can cost a few cents every minute. They were probably talking about online chat. Online chat doesn't cost anything extra, as long as you have an Internet connection.
How to chat with Yahoo Messenger?
A. You must have Yahoo Messenger Account
     This is instruction how to get yahoo messenger account :
     1. Launch a Web browser and navigate to the Yahoo Messenger download page (See Resources).
     2. Navigate to and click the "Sign Up" link.
     3. Fill in the registration form, entering your name, gender, date of birth, country and zip code.
     4. Type in a username and password.
     5. Choose two security questions from the drop-down menu and provide the answers for both.
     6. You also have the option of entering an alternate email address to be used by Yahoo should they 
         need  to contact you if your account has been compromised or disabled.
     7. Type in the security code at the bottom of the page and click “Create My Account.”
     8. You will then be able to launch Yahoo Messenger and log in using the Yahoo ID you just created.
B. After you have account,then open Yahoo Messenger and log in with your Yahoo ID and password.
C. Double-click on the name of the person you want to chat with on your Friends list. To add contacts to your Friends list, click "Add a Contact" and enter the individual's screen name. Press "Next" twice to add the person to your list.
D. Type text in the chat screen that appears when you click on your friend's name.
E. Press "Enter" or click "Send" to send your message. Your text, along with your friend's responses, will appear in the chat window above the text field.

NOTE: Chat is not only in Yahoo Messenger,but also in other social network such as, Facebook,Twitter, Skype ,etc.


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